Went to
2 days. There's a
workshop for
FREE! haha although it has nothing to do with me *means i'm not continuing my studies with art / graphic design / interior design / blablabla courses. HAHA so i went with
Miza, Syida, and Dirah. It started from 10am - 4pm
Nazrin hantarkan. Well we were
lost at first. Thank god we found it. But it's already 10.30. When we reached there, thank god it hasn't started yet. Fuhhh. There's about
30++ people there and mostly chinese and malay. He [can't remember his name] divided us into 3 groups which the 4 of us were separated except Syida and Dirah. Then, each group were divided into 2 groups because the group was too big, he said. so, total 6 groups. each group must
design their
own bag and build a
booth. i'm the
only malay in my group. the others were chinese, total 4 girls, 1 boy. That boy was
soooooooooo shy so whenever i looked at him, he will look back and smile
:) HAHA and our main theme was
GREEN. "save the trees", "going green", "reduce, reuse, recycle", you know, stuff like that. the bag was actually PJCAD's 'carry all bag' *means it's more like a tote bag. and the bag was in landscape with a graphic at the front. so my group decided to do the "green thinggy" at the back. so it's like a 2 in 1 bag. you know, there's no back side. many ideas came out like put a zip, made some pockets, leave a space for water bottles, blablabla. so today we focused more on the ideas and start making it.
as for the
booth, my group *actually
1 of my members, decided to make it since she's
interested to it. maybe she's into interior design. so she did it. we decided that we won't use a label / brand so we used PJCAD as the label. i'm more into the bag, so i
don't really get the idea for the booth, HAHA. anyway, i coloured the actual front bag *the one with the graphics. there's only red, green, black and white colour. i just coloured it with red *the bag itself is in black, and the words, graphics wasin white, so takkan nak colour white / black lagi kann? then around 12.50 we had lunch. it was fried rice with fried chicken and fried eggs. and it was
YUMMY! seriously.
after lunch, i continued by putting some
white cloths at the bag, err dekat pemegang beg tuh. and i went upstairs to sew the end of the cloths. and it was
soooooo COOL. you know, 1 room full of
sewing machines, another room with
clothes, there were designed
bag hanging up, awesome
drawing. wow so i continued colouring the bag until it ends. at first i heard that we may took the bag home, but then he said no. i was
quite disappointed. haihh. i only managed took some strings and buttons home. after it ends, we walked to the Asia Jaya Putra LRT Station because Nazrin's working. We stopped at Masjid Jamek's station, went to Star LRT and stopped at Bukit Jalil. Took a cab, and Dirah HAD to sit in front, HAHA reached at bus stop near 7e. Miza and i planned to go to the park, but it
rained so we went home.
*at night, my house blackout 2 times. mandi at 8.45pm, HAHA.
Hari ini, Sabtu.Hari kedua. pegi sana naik
Daddy Dirah. kiteorang sampai awal dlm
9.45pagi. so pegi mkn dlu. try
Subway, and kene rm14 -__________-" lpas tuh grak masuk n terus start. and ada mat salleh join hari ni. tp dia pompuan lahh. and dia group lain. but dia balik awl. the chinese boy smpai dulu, and as always, he's still
smiling. i love
bullying him. haha oh yeah btw, his name is
Chaos. haha actually apatah nme dia, but dia suh pggl tuh. so i spend most of the time colouring the corak2. while the others pegi siapkn booth tuh. oh ya, that girl yang in charge utk booth tuh pegi
Johor, and aku baru nk tnye ape motif dia buat tuh. so cite dia aku
tatau booth tuh pasal apa. HAHA.
lunch, Miza mkn dgn aku sbb alasan dia nk
share. n aku pun busyyy gilaaa so aku suh dia suapkan aku, hahahaha *jgn jeles ;p haha hari ni mkn nasi dgn ayam, tp tk sedap sgt doww. takpelahh. rezeki, free pulak tuhh, soo xleh nk complain sgt. sambil tuh aku still colour that bag. and around 2pm, kteorg siapkan the
other side aka the
green side. haha ad pokok2, tulisan2, daun2, gambar2, ok jugak lahh.
while dorang arrange things for the bag, aku pegi lah
colour base booth tuh. skali colour light brown
habisssss. try dark brown, add white and yellow, agak lawa lahh. skali brown habis. adoiii yg base tuh dah
buruk gila dah, tanya Miza. so aku main hentam je colour, mmg
TERUK GILA, sumpah. plus, awal2 ok lagi, tp budak group aku sorang ni lagi pegi rosakkan. dia main
bantai je colour. then the "smiley guy" HAHA dia dtg ane tanya
"ini apa colour??? aiyooo" haha mmg buruk gila. aku da
melalut sorang diri, tanya Miza lagi. hehe last2 dia ckp
"eh, colour black lahh. black byk lagi maaa", haha siot jee. aku mmg dah takde mood gilaa so,
"aishh suka hati lahhh" and terus blah pg kat bag balik. mmg
penat + bengang = siot je. HAHA
org tuh kata kul 3 kene
stop, so kteorg mmg
rushing gila lahhh. memula nak
jahit tulisan2 tuh, skali tak
sempat so guna tape tampal sudehh HAHA. then sempat lah letak
buttons skali. while dorang tampal, aku
susun lahh daun2 and fence kat booth tuh and,
LAWAAAAAAA gak dohh hehehe. siap ada "
orang DiGi" lagi haha alaa the
yellow coloured man lah. hehe then the bag pun siap. tepat2 kul 3. then org tuh ckp
30 mins utk clearkn table. sambil tuh, aku sempat
colour lagi bag tuh sbb ada part tak colour lagii. and
tak lawa, so aku colour lahh. sume tgk aku cm
"mak aih dia nih sempat lg nak colour, org lain dah siap dah" tuh lahh. aku cm,
lantak kau lahh. janji aku punya lawa di mata aku. hahah
then da siap, kene lah
present our bag and the booth. actually kteorg punya
tk mcm booth pun, but lantak kau laa haha. so one by one group present. then it's time bebehh. haha even our group name is
GREEN. and guess what, aku sorang je yg pkai bju green. padahal smlm da ckp da,
pakai baju hijauuuuu. but takpelahh. ada tulis about green and ada leaf kat baju dorang, so okay lahh. then aku start. tp aku tukang
introduce jehh. ckp nme kumpulan, n team members. haha lpas tuh aku pass jehh kat si
Suzanne tuh. dia pun cm takut2. lpas tuh dia pegi
bebel psl earth lahh plastik lahh. bkn nk ckp psl beg tuh -__-' pastuh utk booth tuh dia
suh aku ckp. aku mmg nak ckp tp td kn aku da ckp, aku xpaham sgt
motif menda alah tuh. kang aku slh ckp plakk, kene boo kang ahha. lgpun tuh
bkn idea akuu. so kteorg agak
ke"bangang"an kat dpan tuh. then da abisssss. ambik gamba and
byebye! haha
balik dgn daddy dirah lagii. thanks uncle, cewah ahah. miza lpak umah aku. then grak bai dgn eddie n hzq. then ada la manusia2 lainnn. ada TIRA! ohyeahhh aku rindu itu minahh! hehe and and aku tak sengaja tersembur air kat miza, HAHAHA geli kann? sorry wehh, kau mmg tmpt kne sembur, AHAH then lpak taman. then balik eddie hntr. mlm pegi giant dgn mama. then balik. then online :)
*weewitt aku nak gamba kenangan di PJCAD. cepatlah upload, hahaha. and aku tulis pnjg kann? hahaha mata da berat gila nii tp demi blog, sanggup tulis. hahahap/s: berangan nak tulis dlm english, tapi tak larat nk tulis lama2. baru tulis first day dah penat. tuh yg second day rojak jee. haha. lgpun byk gila broken english, HAHAHA enjoyy :D